HealthImpaq - Managing Stress To Control High Blood Pressure

Managing Stress To Control High Blood Pressure

What Is The Effect Of Chronic Stress On Your Body?

Our bodies are designed to keep us safe, so when it gets the sense that we are in danger, it will set into motion a host of processes designed to give us the best chance possible to survive the threat. Your blood pressure rises, adrenaline and cortisol is released, and digestion is halted. The stress response will go away as soon as the body realises that you are safe again. The problem happens when stress isn’t a one time event, but something someone feels for days and weeks on end. This is called chronic stress and it is very harmful for our bodies, it hurts the heart, makes the blood pressure skyrocket long term, and can contribute to gastrointestinal disorders, asthma, and diabetes. In fact, chronic stress makes you older by speeding up the natural aging process.

Health Problems Linked To Stress

What can happen if you don’t get your stress under control? Stress can lead to numerous health issues such as anxiety, depression, weight gain, and heart disease. It can also cause digestive problems, headaches, sleep problems as well as memory issues and concentration issues. 

How To Reduce Stress

While you may not be able to eliminate all the stressors in your life, you can at least do a few things to make the stress more manageable, like the seven we’ve outlined below:

1. A healthy lifestyle

As with everything else in life, taking care of your body will help matters. Eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and regular exercise will go a long way towards helping you reduce stress.

2. Use your sense of humor

Sometimes you have to pick whether to laugh or to cry, like in that moment when you spill coffee all over the floor just as your phone rings, and the dog trips you on your way to pick up the phone. It’s better to laugh. Having a sense of humor has been proven to make a big impact on how stressed you are. So the next time you start feeling stressed out, take a moment and allow yourself to see the humor in the situation.

3. Learning to relax

Getting a massage, or learning to practice meditation, yoga, or relaxation techniques like deep-breathing can help you relax and feel less stressed out. Not only do these methods work immediately, but they also will have a great effect on your mental and physical health when practiced long term.

4. Counseling

Talk therapy or counseling can be a great way to reduce stress. Having a safe place to express your thoughts and feelings can be helpful, but a professional therapist will also be able to give you the tools to manage stressful situations on your own.

5. Supplements

Try supplements that help reduce stress, such as CALMIt not only supports your overall health but provides nutritional support for relief against anxiety, depression, and stress. It helps improve your mood and reduce stress without side effects!

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There are also supplements that will help with high blood pressure such as a our Health Impact™ Blood Sugar Ultra Natural Support.


6. Friendships


Close, supportive relationships can do a great deal to help you deal with stress. Not only can friends give you great advice, but they can also relieve stress simply by spending time with you.

7. Take time for hobbies

Doing something you love is healthy, and it communicates to your brain that you are safe and that a stress response is unnecessary. If you don’t already have a hobby, find one. You can read books, paint, bake bread, or even take up a new sport.

Q&A About Stress

Can stress cause a heart attack?

Stress overtime makes your blood pressure go up, and stay there. This does not only damage the heart, but it also damages your arteries, and this can cause a heart attack. You can lower your risk of a heart attack by staying physically active, staying at a healthy weight, and finding ways to manage your stress.

How can anxiety raise your blood pressure?

Stress causes anxiety and also raises your blood pressure. Treating your anxiety and dealing with the stress in your life will help you lower your blood pressure.

Can a person with high blood pressure exercise?

Absolutely! Exercising can help you lower your blood pressure, as well as helping you maintain a healthy weight. In addition, exercise can be a great stress reliever, and might lower your blood pressure simply by calming you down.

Wrapping Up

Managing the stress in your life can be an effective way to control high blood pressure, and brings with it a host of other benefits. Eating healthy, maintaining a healthy weight, sleeping enough, meditating, and getting regular exercise is sure to improve your life in many more ways than just reducing stress.

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